Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence: Your Children Make Their Love Public

Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence
Your children make their love public

Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence seem to have more in common than just their jobs.

© lev radin / Shutterstock.com / Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence have more in common than just their jobs: their children are a couple.

Eddie Murphy (60) and Martin Lawrence (56) are both successful actors and have also been in front of the camera together. But the two have more in common: Murphy’s son Eric (32) and Jasmin (25), Lawrence’s daughter, are a couple. That gave the two Hollywood offspring now officially known on Instagram.

Jasmin Lawrence: Declaration of love on Instagram

On July 10th, Eric Murphy celebrated his 32nd birthday and Jasmin Lawrence insisted on congratulating him with loving words: “Happy birthday, my dearest,” wrote the 25-year-old on two photos together. On one of the two selfies, Murphy gives her a loving kiss on the cheek. “I am so incredibly blessed to know you, to love you and to have you by my side. To many more gifts, laughs and wonderful memories! I love you so much!”

Eric Murphy is head over heels in love with Jasmin Lawrence

Eric shared a photo with Jasmin back in June on Instagram. “Head over heels in love with you,” was his comment.

Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence have appeared together in front of the camera in a number of films in the past – for example in “Boomerang” (1992) and “Lebenslänge” (1999). Eric is Murphy’s eldest son. The 60-year-old has a total of ten children. Jasmin is Lawrence’s oldest child – he has three daughters.
