Eddy about building land – Polling: Bizarre village feud only costs everyone money

In Polling in the Tyrolean Oberland, the municipality is arguing with a citizen in court about a building plot that it gave him cheaply. The bizarre case continues to cause excitement. That was made clear at Monday night’s council meeting. He shows the fundamental dilemma of politics and young families in the struggle for affordable housing. Ultimately, everyone in the community is a loser.

Monday evening, Clubhouse Polling. The new City Council is only meeting for the second time. There is little time for future topics, it is mainly about legacy issues. Specifically, the community case against Mario Greil. As reported, the 30-year-old received a 400 square meter building plot from the municipality in 2018 for a cheap 60,000 euros. The municipality is now demanding this reason back and went to court. Reason: Greil concealed the fact that his current wife and former partner already has a reason. Then there would have been no surcharge. Because the mission of the church is to make good reasons available to those who need them. Greil rejected a settlement with the municipality Greil rejected a settlement proposed by the municipality. The court ruled that he could not be accused of willful concealment and dismissed the lawsuit. The community has appealed the verdict. The fact that Mario’s father is part of the militant opposition party – they wanted to have the proceedings stopped (note rejected) – and that a notary commissioned by the community apparently overlooked something when querying the land register makes it more difficult thing immensely. At the meeting it became clear: Nobody can win this fight. High legal costs for the municipality The municipality loses because it already has tens of thousands of euros in legal costs. Because she cannot avoid the appointment, as Mayor Gabriele Rothbacher explains. This is the only way to keep the chance that you might be able to hold yourself harmless through insurance. The municipality also loses because it will probably have to be more suspicious of information from its citizens in the future and will probably draw up ever stricter specifications. Mario Greil loses because the delays mean he has immense additional costs. Because he is unintentionally the talk of the village and many are wondering whether he is entitled to the reason at all. Ultimately, he could also lose him. The climate in the municipal council is already poisoned at the beginning of the legislative period. Not a good basis for politics. A comparison would probably have been the solution. However, it is too late for that now.
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