EDF, Comerc and Eneva consider offers for the Brazilian CEEE-G-sources

SAO PAULO, Feb 1 (Reuters) – Brazilian energy group Eneva SA, energy trading company Comerc and French utility EDF are each considering submitting a bid for state-owned group CEEE-G, which is to privatized, said three sources familiar with the matter.

CEEE-G, which is based in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, has five large hydroelectric plants, eight small hydroelectric plants as well as two mini-plants, with an installed capacity of 910 megawatts (MW). By adding the shares of CEEE-G held in consortia, its capacity reaches 1,253 MW.

The auctions planned as part of the privatization must be held on February 15 and the offers cannot be less than 1.25 billion Brazilian reals to acquire 66.23% of the capital of CEEE-G.

According to a source familiar with the matter, EDF, which currently operates thermoelectric and solar power plants in Brazil, is expected to participate in the auction through its subsidiary EDF Fluminense.

Other candidates such as Eneva, which seeks to strengthen itself in renewable energies after the acquisition of Focus Energia in December, and Comerc, which wants to grow in electricity production, could also participate.

EDF indicated that it constantly assesses growth opportunities. “Brazil is a key country for EDF’s development and, in line with the group’s overall strategy, EDF Fluminense is seeking to diversify its portfolio,” the group said in a statement.

Comerc declined to comment. Eneva did not respond to a request for comment. (Report Leticia Fucuchima, French version Matthieu Protard, edited by Jean Terzian)

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