Editor’s Picks – Podcast Tips For Those Who Don’t Have A Weak Heart – Audio & Podcasts


They promise excitement, entertainment and background knowledge: These are the podcast tips of the week.

1. “All ‘The Three ???’ fans and everyone else who doesn’t have a weak heart”

This is how child reporter Andrej describes who should watch the new “The Three ???” film in the cinema. His reporter colleague Noalie adds: “In the beginning I almost jumped out of my chair.” They’ve already made me gwundrig – with the hope that my heart will go along with it.

2. A conversation between a fit IT entrepreneur and event organizer who is convinced he will live to be 122 years old and a 26-year-old radio presenter with Indian roots and political and bartender training

Sounds versatile – it is. The conversation between Karl Hoppeler and Mira Weingart is about fine dining, work ethic, motorcycling, family ties. Entertaining and worth listening to.

3. Anyone who speaks is out

The hierarchies in theaters are steep, and the contracts are usually limited. Anyone who criticizes risks their career. The Swiss actress Sylvie Rohrer tells of a climate of fear, abuse of power and humiliation that prevailed at the Burgtheater in Vienna. And how the ensemble made themselves heard with an open letter.

4. “Have you seen one skyscraper, have you seen them all”

The Soviet head of state Nikita Khrushchev does not seem to have been particularly impressed by the Empire State Building. Nevertheless, his visit to the USA left its mark in the middle of the Cold War. This “Zeitblende” podcast is a journey back into a divided world where communism and capitalism fight for influence.

5. The new hot shit when it comes to music

“Sounds!” presenter Lea Inderbitzin was at perhaps the most important showcase festival in Europe “Eurosonic”. And she not only has new music and bands in her luggage, but also anecdotes about fried eggs, bad weather and non-dancing spectators.

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