Editor’s Picks – The 5 Podcast Picks of the Week – Audio & Podcasts


Should we continue to listen to good music by bad people? Not an easy question. What you should definitely hear are these 5 podcast recommendations.

1. Good music by bad people

R. Kelly possessed child pornography, Marilyn Manson is said to have raped and tormented women. Despite their past and the current cancel culture debate, the musicians rarely lose popularity. Why do we tolerate some cases and condemn others? At least I was shocked when I heard it.

2. Esotericism and philosophy – siblings or strangers?

Thoughts that go beyond the human mind are the subject of esotericism and philosophy. But that’s where the similarities end, says philosopher Yves Bossart. Nevertheless, he also holds on to things that he cannot justify rationally. Cross your fingers or wear a lucky charm. We all have consciously or unconsciously integrated esoteric practices into our everyday lives.

3. Clear conscience despite dirty hands?

Again and again, Swiss companies do business with shareholders from questionable countries. From an ethical point of view, this is not entirely unproblematic. If the investors exert too much influence, human rights and integrity can no longer be guaranteed.

4. ­The Zurich main station in your head

This is how Laura describes how ADHD feels to her. She wasn’t diagnosed until she was 32. ADHD used to be assigned to the “teething troubles”. That stigma persists to this day. Diagnosed adults are often not taken seriously, as Laura’s example shows.

5. A corona skeptic becomes an internet star

Anett is against a mask requirement. When one of her freaks lands on the internet, she becomes an internet star. This is followed by a visit to a dubious doctor for a certificate and meeting a YouTube chef named Hilda Attelmann. Even if this comedy is completely exaggerated and almost absurd: I liked this radio play.

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