From the start of the school year in September 2024, significant changes will occur in the organization of French and mathematics courses at college. A decree published Sunday March 17, 2024 in the Official newspaper establishes the bases of this reform, which provides for the creation of “groups” for these two subjects, reports The Parisian. Contrary to expectations, the term “level groups” is not used, but rather groups “constituted according to the needs of the students”. The objective is clear: adapt teaching to individual skills students. According to the text, this measure will only apply to sixth and fifth grade classes from the start of the 2024 school year, then to fourth and third grade classes from 2025. These “groups” will be specifically dedicated common lessons in French and mathematics, covering the entire timetable dedicated to these subjects. Neither the terms of “level groups” preferred by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, nor the “need groups” advocated by the Minister of Education Nicole Belloubet, during an interview given to Franceinfo on Friday March 15, 2024, were therefore kept. “What does the name matter, as long as there is the measure”Gabriel Attal indicated this week toAFP. However, it is emphasized that students in difficulty will have reduced numbers in these groups.
Possible changes during the year
Despite this reform, students may still be grouped as a whole class for certain periods: “By derogation, and in order to guarantee the consistency of progressions “, indicates the text. Furthermore, these groups can be modified: “The composition of the groups is re-examined during the school year, particularly during regroupings, in order to take into account the progress and needs of the students”details The Official Journal. These changes are sparking debates within the educational community and concerns among some parents, fearing sorting of students. The authorities, however, stressed that these measures aim to improve the overall level of studentsindicates BFMTV.