Eight-year-old Julia finally found – that’s how she and the family are now

2 days alone in the forest
Eight-year-old Julia finally found – that’s how she and the family are now

A small miracle: The missing Julia is reunited with her family.


It must have been traumatic: Little Julia spent two days alone in the forest while 1,400 helpers searched desperately for her.

It was a race against time: For two days, friends, family and hundreds of helpers feared for the life of little Julia, who had been missing since Sunday afternoon. That day, after playing with her brother and cousin, the girl suddenly disappeared. 1400 helpers then roamed the area, where temperatures are already below zero at night.

For 45 hours, Julia was completely on her own

A forester who knew the area finally found the girl completely hypothermic in the bushes. You can find out in the video what is known about their current state of health and how a psychologist assesses the situation.

Source: RTL


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