Elden Ring: A Japanese survey reveals the weapons, NPCs or even the favorite bosses of the community

Elden Ring is the box of this beginning of the year, and it has already left an indelible memory with most people who have tried the title. With more than 13 million copies sold in a few weeks, the game of FromSoftware is acclaimed all over the world, and Famitsu has tried to understand the reasons for this success with a survey of 1,700 people, the results of which have just been published (survey relayed by Frontline).

What liked in Elden Ring

The Japanese magazine was first interested in the liabilities of respondents, and we can see that the age group with the most number of players is between 25 and 29 years old, followed by the 30/34 age group. Overall, we can see that the over 25s are a large majority.

Of those surveyed, 1,035 people had already played Dark Souls IIIwhich is slightly more than the 1,023 people who played Bloodborne. Another interesting fact, of the 1,700 people who responded to this survey, 824 of them played more than 150 hours of the game, compared to 20 people who played less than 30 hours.

What liked the most in Elden Ringit is obviously his universe, followed by his playground and the exploration offered, which is not a big surprise here (the last place in this ranking is attributed to crafting). What has mostly been touted here is having multiple approaches to playing the title the way you want.

Who is the favorite boss? The most chosen weapon?

In the rest of the survey, Famitsu had fun asking for different stats regarding classes played, weapons, NPCs, favorite bosses, and many more details, with the number of respondents specified each time.

Most chosen class

  1. Wanderer: 427
  2. Samurai: 424
  3. Prisoner: 153
  4. Confessor: 127
  5. Astrologer: 126
  6. Miserable: 108
  7. Heroes: 101
  8. Warrior: 92
  9. Bandits: 75
  10. Prophet: 53

Unsurprisingly, the most balanced starting class was chosen for the most part, since it allows you to discover the beginning of the game with a character having many choices at his disposal.

Favorite weapon classes

  1. Katanas: 841
  2. Great Swords: 641
  3. Shields: 504
  4. Sticks: 411
  5. Curved Swords: 389
  6. Colossal Swords: 385
  7. Seals: 333
  8. Bows: 324
  9. Large Shields: 281
  10. Straight Swords: 280

Note that this survey allowed for multiple responses. Again, not really a surprise, Katanas are in the majority thanks to Bleedingwhich inflicts very heavy damage to almost all enemies.

In the same kind of information, it will be noted that it is the weapon ability No sleuth which is used the most heresince it allows you to do very fast dodges, while the most used spell is that of the Azure Comet (again, nothing surprising).

favorite ashes

  1. Copycat Tear: 721
  2. Black Knives Tiche: 586
  3. Spirit Medusa Ash: 308
  4. Latenna the Albinauric: 164
  5. Lone Wolf Ashes: 137

We will avoid feigning surprise here, since the Mimic Tear is obviously the most used invocation by the community, given that it is the most powerful, even after its nerf.

The NPCs that left the strongest impression

  1. Ranni: 918
  2. Alexander: 579
  3. Blaidd: 335
  4. Millicent: 266
  5. Melina: 260
  6. Pat: 242
  7. Sales: 204
  8. Ryan: 164
  9. Boggart: 95
  10. Hewg: 94
  11. Hyetta: 86
  12. Varre: 82
  13. Iji: 78
  14. Diallos: 59
  15. Enia: 53

Given that Ranni is entitled to the longest, and arguably most thrilling quest in the game, his top spot makes sense here, and Blaidd logically qualifies for the top 3 for the same reasons.

The most significant bosses

  1. General Radahn, the Scourge of the Stars: 687
  2. Malenia, the Sword of Miquella: 658
  3. Margit the Fallen: 443
  4. Tree Sentinel: 216
  5. Maliketh, the Black Blade: 206
  6. Beast of Elden: 188
  7. Godrick the Grafted: 176
  8. Crucible Knight: 158
  9. Radagon of the Golden Order: 149
  10. Hoarah Loux: 137
  11. Mohg, Lord of Blood: 110
  12. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon: 101
  13. Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy: 68
  14. Godfrey, First Lord of Elden: 66
  15. Fire Giant: 57

A little more of a surprise here, given that Malenia was expected to win hands down. She and Radahn are neck and neck for first place, despite both being optional bosses.

The most striking areas

  1. Caelid: 456
  2. Limgrave: 409
  3. Leyndell, the royal capital: 375
  4. Nokron, the Eternal City: 200
  5. Sailing Castle: 172
  6. Atlus Board: 153
  7. Rotten Lake: 139
  8. Raya Lucaria’s Academy: 106
  9. Mohgwyn Palace: 76
  10. Leyndell Sewers: 73

Caelid logically wins first place, as its atmosphere and its monsters still give us nightmares. You can find more statistics on Frontline. And you, what are the bosses, characters or areas that have marked you the most?

Do not hesitate to consult our complete guide on Elden Ring for more information on the game as well as our test, or our beginner’s guide.

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