Elden Ring DLC: A PvP arena on the program?

Elden Ring is already very rich, but for Souls veterans it still lacks things, for example there are no factions, and there are relatively few incentives to participate in multiplayer mode unless you need help or want to play with friends. This is all the more true for the player against the player, especially since it is a terribly unbalanced battle that awaits the invader who must often prepare for 2 vs. 1 or even 3 vs. 1. It is therefore possible to play it for hundreds of hours, with the only human contact being the more or less sardonic messages spread all over the game world, and that’s a shame.

The Elden Ring Coliseums

If you have already explored the World Map well, you have certainly come across several of the Colosseums present. There’s one north of Necrolimbo with a ghost that laments that the gates are closed. As we approach, we can actually discover that there is not even an interaction to try to open them, and a few moments later an AI-controlled invader comes to offer us an ersatz of “player against player” . The experience is repeated in other regions, north of Caelid, it’s a gigantic pot that guards the entrance, by winning matches against 3 invaders, it gives you a fantastic talisman, and that’s it. Finally, the capital’s Coliseum is also closed, even if aggressive gladiators prowl nearby. It is still strange to have at least 3 similar unused buildings in the game. Since it is impossible to enter them every time and there is no quest to venture there either. All this already gave us solid reasons to believe that they will be used in a future DLC, for example in the form of PvP arenas as we have seen in Dark Souls. A real player versus player faction and a scripted tournament against AIs and/or players could also be introduced. Miyazaki has been known to love the concept since the Senile Monk boss of Demon’s Souls. It’s quite possible that the studio didn’t have time to finalize all of this for the release, which was a bit chaotic technically despite the postponement.

Elden Ring

Elden Ring Datamining

Others have come to similar conclusions, and one of the most well-known and active data miners in the community, Lance Mcdonald, hastened to explore the sealed Colosseums with his favorite glitches, in this case a free camera. It must be said that the fact that the game is so similar to Dark Souls 3 on a lot of aspects helps a lot in this area. He was able to confirm with the video below that the interior of the Colosseums is well modeled, there are even elevators. They are therefore not simple pieces of background decor. This is one more clue in favor of a future use of the Colosseums.

Elden Ring Colosseum probably DLC thing

Remember that no announcement has been made for the moment concerning the DLCs, their content, or their arrival date. We will have to be patient, but it is not too serious, since the basic game is very far from having revealed all its secrets.

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