Elected Federal President – Exuberant atmosphere: Viola Amherd celebrates in Valais – News

  • The elected Federal President Viola Amherd was received in Valais.
  • She travels from Bern on a special train and stops in Saint-Maurice, Sitten and Brig.
  • There she addresses words to the population. A celebration then took place.
  • The canton of Valais is spending several hundred thousand francs on the celebration.

The entourage that boarded the special train with its final stop at Brig at 12:30 p.m. was impressive. Hosts of journalists, cameramen and Viola Amherd’s political and personal entourage.


Woman of the hour: Viola Amherd is the center of media attention today.

Keystone/Anthony Anex

The first stop on their three-stop journey home was Saint-Maurice in the French-speaking part of the canton. At the “gateway to Valais,” as the magistrate called the place during her trip, she talked about the mountains and what they do to people.

«With the mountains in our heads, we have learned to build bridges where the terrain seems insurmountable. We have learned to stick together and overcome difficulties together,” said Amherd to the audience.

When I’m in Valais, I feel like I’m at home.

When we arrived in Sion, there were more speeches. Viola Amherd particularly emphasized her connection to Valais: “When I am in Valais, I have the feeling of being at home. »

Beyond the language barrier, everyone changes names. Fortunately, the Fendant remains Fendant.

This connection to the landscape and the canton of Valais is something that is not only important for her. “In Valais we have learned to look beyond borders.” There are many borders, one of which is important is the language border. “When we take the train across the language border, the Rhone becomes ‘Rottu’, Sion becomes Sitten, but fortunately Fendant remains Fendant.”

The highlight of the festivities will take place in Amherd’s hometown of Brig, where the Federal Councilor was expected shortly before 5 p.m. The celebration in the Simplonhalle was discussed in advance, especially in view of the high budget of 350,000 francs.

Woman with a bouquet of flowers is greeted in a crowd.


There was a huge crowd when Viola Amherd arrived in Saint-Maurice this afternoon.

Keystone/Anthony Anex

The atmosphere there is exuberant. The elected Federal President is received by a large crowd at Brig train station. During the parade into the city center, the streets are lined with cheering people.

There are hardly any discordants. Viola Amherd is very popular in Valais. Therefore, there is almost a lack of understanding why she was only elected the highest Swiss woman with 158 votes. However, these discordants are only marginal and do not dampen the celebratory mood of the people of Valais.

As cantonal representatives of Valais have already said on various occasions in the media, people are happy to dig into their pockets for the celebration. After all, it only costs 50 centimes in tax money per Valais resident, as State Chancellor Monique Albrecht told the “Walliser Messenger” in June. The Brigers would have to pay 14.50 francs in taxes for the celebration.

Viola Amherd in Sion.


Viola Amherd at the reception in Sion.

KEYSTONE/Anthony Anex

Viola Amherd herself is happy about the celebration either way: “Personally, I just like it, but I understand that such a celebration is important for the population – and that’s why I’m happy to be there. The costs are the responsibility of the canton.”

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