Elections in the canton of Lucerne – 71 municipalities counted: candidates from SVP and SP are ahead – News

  • The polls for the second ballot for the Lucerne Government Council are closed.
  • After counting 71 communities, Armin Hartmann (SVP) is still ahead.
  • The second seat would currently go to Ylfete Fanaj (SP), Claudia Huser (GLP) is currently in third place.
  • It will be interesting to see whether the SP will make it back into government today after eight years of abstinence.

In the current interim result, Armin Hartmann (SVP) can count on 44,549 votes. Ylfete Fanaj (SP) is in second place with 39,334 votes, followed by Claudia Huser (GLP) with 34,645 votes.


Two of the three are moving into government today (from left): Armin Hartmann (SVP), Ylfete Fanaj (SP) and Claudia Huser (GLP).

Keystone/Urs Flüeler

Chiara Peyer (Young Greens) follows in fifth place with 19,395 votes. The non-party Juergen Peter brings up the rear with 3377 votes.

This is the starting position

These first three candidates have the best chance of winning the last two vacant seats in the Lucerne cantonal government.

The SVP man from Schlierbach has the best starting position for moving into the five-strong Lucerne government. Armin Hartmann ended up in fourth place in the first ballot. He missed the absolute majority of around 4000 votes.

These three have the best chance of a seat

In addition to the SVP electorate, the 45-year-old can count on votes from the FDP camp and the Mitte party.

It is undisputed that the SVP candidate Armin Hartmann will defend the seat of his party colleague Paul Winiker today. However, the race for the last free mandate is open: will the SP make it back into the Lucerne government after eight years? Or will the GLP pull off the coup?

SP and GLP duel

Ylfete Fanaj competes again for the SP. The 40-year-old from Lucerne came fifth behind Armin Hartmann on Sunday, April 2nd. The SP received support from the Mitte party, the party with the most votes in the canton of Lucerne. She has spoken out in favor of supporting Ylfete Fanaj in addition to the SVP candidate Armin Hartmann.

The candidate of the GLP: Claudia Huser could become dangerous for the SP woman. In the first ballot, the 42-year-old from Lucerne had to settle for sixth place. The GLP is the smallest faction in the cantonal parliament and Huser’s candidacy is not officially supported by any other party. However, the GLP counts on the votes of voters who do not want to support the left.

And: The important SME and trade association of the canton of Lucerne also recommends its members for election.

Young Greens and independents complete the field of candidates

In addition to these three people, all of whom are currently politicizing in the cantonal parliament, a candidate from the Young Greens and a non-party candidate are also standing for election. They are 22-year-old Chiara Peyer and 61-year-old Juergen Peter. Both live in the city of Lucerne and are considered outsiders.

Those are the two outsider candidacies

The three members of the government who were elected in the first attempt on April 2nd can follow the second row today. Middle woman Michaela Tschuor, who was a new candidate at the time, made the election with a comfortable number of votes right away.

The 45-year-old lawyer from Wikon, who has been a member of the cantonal council for just over a year, was only slightly behind the previous two, who easily mastered their re-election. Construction, environment and economics director Fabian Peter (46, FDP) from Inwil got the best result. Behind him was finance director Reto Wyss (58, middle) from Rothenburg.

The newly formed government will take office on July 1st.

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