Elections in the canton of Zurich – is another green wave spilling over the Zurich agglomeration? – News


147 Zurich municipalities are voting today. We show which parties may hope or must tremble.

A “super election day” is taking place in Switzerland’s largest canton, which promises to be exciting: almost half of those entitled to vote will decide on their local government, and in 13 cities the parliament will also be re-elected. Exceptions are Zurich, Winterthur, Dietikon and Schlieren. The elections took place there in February. In Zurich and Winterthur, the pole parties SVP and SP have lost a lot of seats.

Green wave is likely

This scenario threatens the parties again. As early as 2018, Zurich and Winterthur voted earlier and played a pioneering role. Shortly thereafter, similar election results were achieved in the agglomeration communities.

Based on today’s elections, the Green Liberals, the FDP and the center are likely to gain ground. The Greens will probably win seats in parliament too – at the expense of the SP. It is likely that swing voters will jump out of the party, as in the city of Zurich.

The SVP also has to worry about seats. Because in recent years, a young, urban electorate has settled in the communities. She has a greater interest in issues such as climate or schools, for which the more conservative SVP is less known.

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