Elections in the canton of Zurich – Zurich “super election day”: SVP continues to lose seats – News

  • In 147 Zurich municipalities, voters are now electing their governments.
  • In nine cities they also decide on their parliament.
  • An exciting race is looming in Uster, the third largest city in the canton.
  • According to a first interim result, the SVP could lose its seat of government in Uster. The Green Liberals, whose candidate is ahead of the two SVP candidates with more than three hundred votes, would benefit. According to the interim result, the Green Liberals should also win seats in Parliament. This at the expense of the SP.

    Is the same trend emerging as before in the cities of Zurich and Winterthur? As in Dietikon and Schlieren, the elections there took place in February. The pole parties SVP and SP have lost a lot of seats in the parliaments.

Green wave is likely

Based on today’s elections, the Green Liberals, the FDP and the center are likely to gain ground. The Greens will probably win seats in parliament too – at the expense of the SP. It is likely that swing voters will jump out of the party, as in the city of Zurich.

The SVP also has to worry about seats. Because in recent years, a young, urban electorate has settled in the communities. She has a greater interest in topics such as climate or schools, for which the SVP is less known.

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