Electric car: Huawei continues its offensive with an SUV competing with the Tesla Model Y

The “Tesla killers” can no longer be counted on the fingers of both hands. Between those who have not even passed the industrialization stage and those whose careers are complicated to say the least, the Model Y has not really encountered a competitor who would have given it cold sweats in recent years.

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Will this be the case with the new model presented today by Huawei? It is unlikely, even if he has serious arguments.

Rigorous pragmatism

Chinese tech giants aim to grab a piece of the pie in the world of electric cars. This is particularly the case with Xiaomi, which recently presented and marketed the SU7 in China, a very attractive, very technological electric sedan at a great price.

Huawei, for its part, is multiplying joint ventures: there are four with Stelato (BAIC), Aito (Seres), Avatr (CATL) and Luxeed (Chery). And it is the latter that interests us today, since Huawei has just presented the Luxeed R7, an SUV which should be close to 5 meters long, or 25 cm more than a Tesla Model Y.

Style-wise, as you will have noticed, the codes seem very largely borrowed from BYD, in particular from its Seal sedan and its Seal U SUV. It’s ultra-consensual and there is absolutely nothing original visually. Overall, it’s reminiscent of a jacked-up version of the Luxeed S7 presented a few months ago.

Cutting-edge technologies

Technical information has not been revealed, but it should mimic that of the S7 sedan. Thus, the R7 will offer several battery capacities, ranging from 62 to 100 kWh. Enough to give it between 400 and more than 700 km of autonomy with a single charge depending on the accumulator chosen. The vehicle will be based on an 800 V architecture, enough to go from 10 to 80% in 15 minutes.

Luxeed will reveal all this technical information in the coming weeks. The vehicle will first be launched in China, before arriving in Europe in the coming years. At the same time, Huawei intends to put another of its brands into orbit, namely Avatr, whose launch is scheduled for 2026 on the Old Continent.

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