Electricity prices: a comparator deceives thousands of consumers

The price of electricity has exploded in recent years and when individuals do not tamper with Linky meters, certain companies do not hesitate to lie to consumers. As we learn The Internet userthe Selectra comparator is pinned by the Directorate General for Competition, Consumption and Fraud Repression (DGCCRF).

Pinned for fooling consumers

The Fraud Repression accuses the comparator of having put forward more attractive offers than they really were, duping thousands of French consumers looking for an alternative to the soaring price of electricity. The number of Internet users cheated has not been communicated.

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Without specifying the name of the company, the DGCCRF explains that Selectra favored an energy supplier whose offers did not exist and whose price per kWh was above the regulated rate. The authorities specify that the good plans put forward more than others were because the company obtained a financial advantage. The deception took place between 2020 and 2022, a period of increasing electricity costs.

€400,000 fine imposed on Selectra

The Consumption, Housing and Living Environment association (CLCV) explains on the microphone Parisian that he “you have to be wary of comparators. Suppliers who are not expensive, who are at the top of the comparisons, are often those who are the most pursued by the DGCCRF and the CLCV”. Even if the authorities have not sanctioned Selectra over the period since 2023. The comparator has implemented better controls of its offers and received a fine of €400,000.

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