Amine’s dream came true, and the streamer can now be proud of his Eleven All Stars event, which totaled more than1.2 million viewers simultaneously on Twitch. Crowned with success, the show has won the admiration of many other streamers, and not only in France. It must be said that with 25 cameras on D-Day to film the action on the pitch, 20,000 flesh-and-blood spectators in the stands and TV production resources that have nothing to envy to those of League matches 1, this Eleven All Stars is a real lesson given to the global Twitch game.
Amine has tons and tons of exclusive images to share with us, and he’s going to do it with style, through a documentary. The streamer confirmed this good news on Twitch.
Between 2 and 3 hours of exclusive images
Inevitably, with several dozen cameras at the time of the match, we suspect that all the images are not broadcast during the live. There are therefore notable sequences that have not yet been revealed to the public! Amine explains indeed having exclusive rushes, and he will give us the best of the best in a film on YouTube which should last “between two and three hours”.
From the backstage to the changing rooms, including training
The documentary film promised by Amine will take us behind the scenes of the event. Training, atmosphere in the locker room, organization… We will not miss a crumb of everything that has shaped the success of the show.
Amine should also be able to show us images of the match, but which were not broadcast live on D-Day. We should also enjoy the goals filmed from another angle, or focus on certain players from the team.
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