Elis: strong interest in the €300 million bond placement


Photo credit © Elis

(Boursier.com) — Elis successfully placed, under its EMTN (Euro Medium Term Notes) program, a principal amount of €300 million of senior unsecured bonds, with a maturity of 5 years and offering a annual fixed coupon of 4.125%.

“The extremely positive reception reserved for this issue, with an order book of more than 3 billion euros, i.e. an oversubscription rate of more than 10 times, “demonstrates the reinforced confidence of investors in the resilience of the economic model of the Group and its solid outlook for 2022, in a context of strong rebound in hotel activity”, notes the management of Elis.

The net proceeds of this issue will be dedicated to the refinancing of the bond issue for a principal amount of 450 million euros, the maturity of which is set for February 15, 2023.

This operation is in line with the Group’s active refinancing strategy. It will make it possible to extend the average maturity of the debt.

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