Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, Frontier abandons development of PS4 and Xbox One versions

Frontier Developments made a risky bet with the extension Odyssey of Elite Dangerous. He has indeed integrated shooting phases and movements on foot in a game best known for its strategic approach and its phases of piloting ships. It was released last May on PC, with the promise of delivering the PS4 and Xbox One versions with a bit of a delay.

Nearly a year later and while public and critical reception has been disappointing on personal computers, frontier had to make a difficult decision. He just announced thatElite Dangerous: Odyssey will never be released on home consoles : the development of the port is cancelled, to concentrate on the PC version.

Greetings Commanders,

Elite Dangerous is a game close to my heart.

It’s no secret that Odyssey’s launch was less than ideal, including the need to split the PC/console playerbase to focus on a PC-only launch. Since the release of Odyssey in May 2021, we’ve worked tirelessly to improve the Odyssey experience on PC, and while we’ve made great strides, there’s still a long way to go. We have since supported both pre-Odyssey and post-Odyssey codebases.

Over the past few months we have struggled with the best way to move forward, and it is with heavy hearts that we have decided to cancel all development on consoles. We need to be able to move forward with the story of the game, and to do that we need to focus on a single codebase. Elite Dangerous will continue on console as it is now with significant updates, but we will focus on new content updates on PC based on the post-Odyssey codebase.

We appreciate that this news is not what our console community was hoping for. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but it was made with Elite Dangerous’ long-term future in mind.

As for the Elite Dangerous sequel, we look forward to sharing more news in due course.

David Braben

This does not sign the death warrant PS4 and Xbox One versions, Frontier Developments promising future updates to improve the gaming experience. However, it would seem that all new content inOdyssey and future remains forever exclusive to PCs… This should make some people disappointed, but also allow Elite Dangerous to move forward on personal computers. The console version is currently available from €14.99 at Micromania.

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