Eloisa Pinto Fontes: Disappeared model reappears after over a year

Eloisa Pinto Fontes disappeared for a year, now the 26-year-old has reappeared. In a favela in Rio de Janeiro. What happened to the model?

The story of Eloisa Pinto Fontes, 26, sounds like something out of a bad movie. The New York model had been missing since June 4, 2019, no one knew where she was. On Tuesday (October 6th) she was picked up by a neighborhood guard in the Morro do Cantagalo favela in Rio de Janeiro. Before that, she had apparently wandered around there for two days, disoriented.

Eloisa Pinto Fontes was confused and paranoid

The Daily Mail writes that Eloisa Pinto Fontes appeared confused when she was picked up by the authorities and initially refused to cooperate with the officials. She didn't wear shoes or a shirt, in her backpack she had some documents and model contracts as well as references from photographers. What exactly happened to Eloisa Pinto Fontes is still unclear.

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A modelo alagoana Eloisa Pinto Fontes, de 26 anos, que estava desaparecida há um ano, foiounterrada nesta quarta-feira (7/10). Ela estava vivendo no interior do Morro do Cantagalo, na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro. Segundo informações da polícia, no momento em que foiounterrada Eloisa aparentava estar desorientada. Em seguida, a moça foi levada para a base do Ipanema presente, na Praça General Osório, onde recebeu apoio social. De lá, ela foi encaminhada para o Instituto Municipal Philippe Pinel, onde passou por avaliação psiquiátrica e ficou internada para cuidados de sua saúde. – O serviço social já localizou a mãe e um casal de amigos da modelo Essa nicht é a primeira vez que os familiares se preocupam com Eloisa: em 2019, ela já havia sido habenrada vagando nas proximidades de Nova York (EUA) após cinco dias desaparecida . Na ocasião, ela estava visivelmente desorientada em uma rua de White Manhattam. Eloisa Pinto Fontes é conhecida no mundo da moda. Ela já fez capas para revistas conceituadas como "Elle", "Grazia" e "Glamor", além de campanhas para grifes como Dolce & Gabbana. # jornalismodigital? (Fonte: Extra.globo.com) (Photo: Arquivo Pessoal) #eloisapintofontes # mfnotícias?

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Disappeared for a year

Eloisa Pinto Fontes has been officially missing since June 2019. As the local website "extra.globo.com" reports, the 26-year-old moved from New York to Rio in January 2020 without informing her family. She initially moved in with a friend before moving to her boyfriend at the time. The relationship between the two broke up again in May. Where Eloisa stayed from May to October – unclear. Several homeless people reported a confused woman to the local authorities who was wandering around the favela. A vigilante guard then became active and was finally able to arrest Eloisa and hand it over to the officers.

Her family, who live in another part of Brazil, have already set out to take Eloisa back to themselves, writes the Daily Mail. Whether drugs were involved or Eloisa suffers from a mental illness must now be clarified. For this, the 26-year-old has now been taken to the Philippe Pinel psychiatric institute in the Botafogo district, reports Antonio Carlos dos Santos, representative of the neighborhood watch who Eloisa was able to pick up.

Source used: Daily Mail

This article originally appeared on Gala.de.
