Emilie Dequenne: “I can’t send you what I don’t need,” the actress responds to the announcement that she is pregnant

The announcement of a serious illness is always a delicate moment, especially when it is under the projector lights. Émilie Dequenne, known for her screen-sharp roles, chose to reveal her fight against a rare cancer well before rumors began to circulate. Here’s why the actress chooses to divulge the details of her illness.

October 21, 2023 marked a tournament in the life of Émilie Duquenne. At 42 years old, the actress, known for her charisma and talent, was confronted with a real-life actress: a rare cancer diagnosis. This new initiative, shared with the public, was not only a step away from diversity but was the debut of a record of resilience and courage. She chose to share her feelings not only to inform but also to expose those who are rumoured to be particularly impetuous in the film industry.

After an urgent operation in mid-August and several months of treatment, the actress continues to fight the illness with a determination without failure. Thankfully, she announced in April the last complete resignation, since the battle was “finished product“Her first post-diagnostic public appearance, during the 2024 Cannes Film Festival last month, and her appearance during various interviews have been one of the strongest moments of the period. Indeed, she was confirmed during an interview, explaining that her decision to speak to the public was not impulsive but reflective.

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Émilie Dequenne: an impending revelation

Why are they talking? The actress makes the decision to reveal her rare cancer diagnosis at an early stage of the disease. This advertisement was made on October 21, 2023, immediately after a series of intensive treatments began in August of the same year. For her, the choice of speaking publicly about her health was not only a question of transparency, but a need to expose those affected to potential rumors that could be spread.

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She was divided into columns of Paris the personal motives that attracted rewind pre-cement his fight against cancer. She was forced to interrupt a sudden turn, which forced the decision to check the recording around of its health to avoid speculation and malaise. “I gave myself a brake for a ride away from that and it was in the business. I cannot send you what you need“, she confided.

Unattended support in the face of cancer

Choosing to share her fight against a rare cancer, the woman Michel Ferracci was touched by a vague support which did not come only from its proximity, but also by many people at the heart of the cinematographic industry. “J‘I received texts and small gifts from film people because I am very discreet, I am a little bit of a friend“, she said. Plus, she had realized what she had and had “of people very well in this profession“.

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After his sudden appearance in the emission C to you de France5Émilie Dequenne expressed his gratitude on Instagramwarmly rewarding the public for its comforting words and the statements made. “Particularly in response to my appearance at the Cannes Film Festival. You fill me with love and conviction. I am not worthy of anything. I am very happy that we are making progress with our wonderful doctor. And I continue as I can“, she explained, emphasizing the importance of communication and of support in the fight against cancer.

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