Emilio Sakraya: He wants to encourage his fans to do what they love

Emilio Sakraya wants to encourage his fans to do what they love. In an interview, he reveals what a TikTok challenge has to do with it.

For several years now, Emilio Sakraya (27) has been an integral part of the stages and screens, both as an actor and as a musician. And there is no end planned for 2024 either. He only released his third studio album “Blessings” in April, his tour is starting soon, and he can currently be seen on TV in the Vox program “Sing meine Song”. In the interview he talks about how he manages to balance music and acting, what surprises he has in store for his fans on the upcoming tour and how he would like to encourage his fans with a TikTok challenge.

After your acting successes in recent years, will you continue to do well in 2024, both musically and acting?

Emilio Sakraya: You’re pretty much right, I would say – keep going, keep going. Ideas and dreams should become reality, and you have to do something about it.

As an actor and musician you are very busy. How do you manage to do justice to both areas? Have you ever thought about focusing on just one path?

Sakraya: I can do this on the one hand through a stable mindset and on the other hand through a stable team who all work in a similar way to me. If all the requirements for staying power are consistent, you become flexible and can accomplish many things in a month, a week, even in a day. Although I often wish a day had more than just 24 hours.

And no, I never thought about concentrating on just one direction, the music was there before the acting, and the two often provide the perfect balance for each other. Of course, after my first acting successes, many people advised me against pursuing a further career in music, but those are the same people who are now shaking my hands and congratulating me on my new album. In my world there are no limits, only possibilities. I always say: Doing is like wanting, only more intense.

You’re going on a big tour with your new album in May, what can your fans expect? How are you feeling so close to the tour?

Sakraya: That my band and I are going on this tour with incredible enthusiasm, that we have one or two surprises in store and of course we have all the new songs in our luggage. And on top of that, I’m bringing another little surprise for my fans: a special remix of my song “Daydream”. In the end, playing live is and remains what you do all this for – this direct, incredible exchange of energies, I would like to start tomorrow.

You can currently also be seen in the popular Vox format “Sing my Song”. What did you like more, singing other people’s songs or hearing other people’s own songs?

Sakraya: First of all, I have to say that taking part was really one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. These are simply musical heavyweights who sit on this couch with you and then simply interpret your songs for you in their very special way. I don’t think it’s possible to say which was better, maybe it’s like giving gifts in that people generally prefer to give rather than receive something. It was definitely emotional – in both directions.

Were you afraid of facing the judgment of your singing colleagues?

Sakraya: No, fear is not one of my character traits, I like to take on new challenges and grow from them. But I also often hear from my community that many people love to sing but are afraid of it. A guiding principle that I always like to think about: What good is the sunrise if we don’t get up?

You are currently challenging your fans to a duet challenge on TikTok. What’s behind that?

Sakraya: We concocted this together with “Milka MMMAX” and is simply intended to give a few more people out there the courage they need to do what they love – without fear of negative criticism. Singing, humming, whistling, it’s all fun, isn’t it?

What is the Daydream “ReMMMix” all about and what do you want to give your fans?

Sakraya: The remix of the song “Daydream”, which was already on the album, was simply the perfect approach for this challenge. It is made for those who may find it more difficult to sing along and therefore have to overcome themselves more. I’m humming part of it here, we want to encourage people to simply hum along. Because some people don’t dare to sing because of fear of criticism… especially on social media! He spreads a certain lightness and good mood that I would hope would touch and encourage many people.

Do your fans like to sing along at your concerts, how do you encourage them?

Sakraya: I can count myself very lucky in this regard, because my fans are really incredibly enthusiastic and like to sing along to my lyrics often and, above all, with all their heart. To hear lines that came to me on a car ride, in the studio or wherever, coming from the throats of thousands of fans months, sometimes years later, is a truly beautiful gift. Of course, singing in a crowd or as a group is often easier than singing alone or in public. That’s why my “Daydream ReMMMix”, in which everyone can take part.

In addition to “Sing my Song,” are you planning any other TV formats? Would a jury job on “The Voice” or “DSDS” be of interest to you?

Sakraya: As of now, no, but as we all know, you never know. Anything that has to do with good music is conceivable and I go through life with an open heart.

What other plans have you made for this year?

Sakraya: So now there’s only one plan: to offer my fans and those who might become fans with the new album a really good show. I’m extremely looking forward to that. And I’ll reveal everything that comes after that when the time comes. In any case, it remains exciting and, I think, very cool.

What would “a daydream come true” mean to you?

Sakraya: If I opened the newspaper and only read good news. Worldwide. Everyone happy, no worries. Everyone with a smile on their face. That would be a nice daydream come true. Everything will be fine…


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