Emma Watson: 11 things she keeps in her bag

Emma Watson travels a lot in her job as an actress. In addition to make-up and nasal spray, there is also a bottle of gin in her hand luggage.

A look into the handbag can reveal a lot about the owner. The actress reveals in a video interview with “Vogue” what Emma Watson, 33, stores in her handbag – or in this case in her backpack. She was already in the public eye at the age of ten through her role as “Hermione Granger” in the “Harry Potter” films and today, in addition to acting, she is committed to women’s and human rights, among other things. The Brit commutes a lot between the USA and London and keeps her life largely private. Read here what strange things are in Emma’s hand luggage when traveling.

1. Emma Watson’s house gin

With the words: “You never know when you might need a glass,” Emma Watson puts a full bottle of gin on the table with a smile. The 33-year-old launched the gin with the sonorous name “Renais” – based on the French word for “rebirth” – this year together with her brother Alex Watson. Wine growing in Chablis in the Burgundy region has a long tradition in the Watson family. For their gin, Emma and Alex, who were both born in Paris, use the pressed grape skins from winemaking.

2. A passport with a tracking device

The actress’s passport is in a light blue leather case. “So I don’t lose him,” she explains. Her initials and a heart are embossed on the cover in fine gold letters. The “AirTag” on the inside of the blue envelope provides extra protection against loss. Emma was given the small tracking device as a gift from a friend so that she “really can’t lose” her passport.

3. “Old School” Headphones

“I can’t use AirPods. You can never find the second AirPod, it’s really a pain,” jokes the “Little Women” actress and takes her “old school” headphones with cables out of her backpack. So that the cable doesn’t get tangled, she keeps the headphones neatly wrapped up in a bag.

4. Special nose sticks

Emma Watson has a lot to combat colds with. In addition to nasal sprays with oregano oil and various essential oils, her latest discovery is “Zicam”: homeopathic nasal swabs that are intended to prevent cold symptoms and shorten colds. She has two of them in her backpack and says with a wink: “Even if it’s a placebo effect, it works for me.”

5. Freckle pen

Emma is known for her natural look with light brown waves and freckles. Nevertheless, there is also a “freckle pen” in her ocher-brown corduroy beauty bag – her beauty hack in winter: she simply uses the pen to paint on her faded freckles.

6. “Tubing Mascara”

Another of the Londoner’s beauty secrets is the so-called “tubing mascara”. She has been wearing the mascara for years, which wraps gently around the eyelashes like a small tube and can be washed off with hot water. Emma reveals that although she gets ready for the airport because of the paparazzi, she removes her makeup as soon as she gets on the plane.

7. A satin sleep mask

Emma Watson is particularly enthusiastic about holding her navy blue satin sleeping mask up to the camera: “I can sleep with it anywhere. You can basically lay me on the floor and I would be able to sleep with the sleeping mask on.” She has already infected her family and friends with her obsession – “It’s a cult,” she jokes.

8. A book of poetry

The actress, who has a bachelor’s degree in English literature, also doesn’t miss out on something to read. She takes the volume of poetry out of her backpack.The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by TS Eliot. She received the pretty copy with a dark blue cover from Stephen Chbosky, the director of the film “Maybe Better Tomorrow”, when she graduated from Brown University in the USA. “You inspire me every day,” the director and screenwriter writes to her in a loving dedication on the first page.

9. A large water bottle

Emma Watson also knows that it is important to drink enough water, especially when traveling. Her black water bottle has special value for the UN Women Ambassador because it has an imprint of the “HeForShe” campaign. In 2014, Emma gave a speech for the UN campaign for global equality between men and women.

10. A notebook

“This is my daily ritual,” explains the actress proudly and shows her scribbled notebook. Every day in the light blue diary, she writes three things from the previous day that she enjoyed, three situations in which she or someone else were kind, and three things that she did well herself. If she had to choose just two things from her backpack, she would choose her passport and her notebook, she enthuses.

11. Tarot cards

A surprising hobby of the 33-year-old is reading tarot cards. She has different decks of cards and tries to draw a tarot card every day. In the interview, Emma Watson pulls out “The World” card and relates it to things in her life that she has worked on over the last few years and that would “soon bear fruit.” Five years ago, Emma Watson retired from acting because she felt “imprisoned”. In the future she wants to have more say in her projects. If the tarot card is anything to go by, we can probably look forward to a new film with Emma Watson soon.

Source used: vogue.com


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