Emmanuel Macron announces he will visit China in April in response to Beijing’s proposed peace plan

Cover image: Ukrainian soldiers during a ceremony in kyiv, on the first anniversary of the Russian invasion, February 24, 2023. HANDOUT / AFP

  • A year after the start of the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army, Ukrainian troops continue to put up fierce resistance. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Friday that a victory against Russia was ” inevitable “provided that its Western partners “keep their word and meet deadlines” regarding the promised military aid. “ I really want to [la victoire] This year “, he said at a press conference.
  • President Zelensky also paid tribute in the morning to Ukrainian soldiers on the front and to those who fell in battle, during a ceremony on the forecourt of Saint Sophia’s Cathedral in kyiv. Other commemorations took place locally, notably in Boutcha, the site of a massacre of civilians attributed to Russian troops.
  • Visiting Kyiv, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced the arrival of the first four Leopard 2 battle tanksand that other tanks would arrive ” in a few days “. He also said that Poland was “ready” to train Ukrainian pilots on American F-16s, planes that Ukraine has been asking for for months.
  • The leaders of the G7 countries – Germany, Canada, United States, France, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom – threatened to “severe costs” countries that would continue to help Russia circumvent sanctions imposed because of his invasion of Ukraine.
  • The United States announced, in conjunction with its G7 allies and the EU, a new salvo of sanctions against Russia. Washington targets, among others, Russian companies and individuals in the metallurgical, mining, military equipment and semiconductor sectors. The EU will particularly target technologies and equipment with dual civilian and military use and means of propaganda and disinformation.
  • China calls for holding Russian-Ukrainian peace talks, evoking respect for Ukrainian territorial integrity and Russian security claims. An equation so far impossible to solve. Westerners largely dismissed this initiative, but Mr. Zelensky judged ” necessary “ of ” to work “ with Beijing. On his side, Moscow said ” enjoy “ China’s efforts to end the warinsisting however on the need to recognize the annexation of four Ukrainian territories claimed by Moscow.
  • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for a “fair peace” during a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart.
  • Russian diplomacy accused kyiv of wanting to attack neighboring Transnistria militarily, pro-Russian separatist territory of Moldova, where Moscow has a contingent. The Moldovan government, led by pro-Westerns, has rejected these allegations.

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