Emmanuel Macron bets on Europe to attack Marine Le Pen

Jacques Serais
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07:12, April 06, 2022

D-4 before the first round of the presidential election. Emmanuel Macron was on the move Tuesday in Spézet, in Finistère. And the candidate president is hitting harder and harder against the candidate who elbows him in the polls, Marine Le Pen, as if the second round campaign had already started.

The first round of the presidential election has never been so close. In an attempt to counter the dynamics of his rival Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron insists on a cardinal value of his project: Europe. On the square of this Breton village, at the foot of the church and the town hall… Emmanuel Macron is not going around the corner.

The theme of Europe to seduce the undecided

“I wanted to say a few words to you today about a debate that I find too absent from our campaign, which is that of Europe”, begins the candidate president. Europe… Its message, its strategy to convince undecided voters, in the context of the war in Ukraine.

“When we act alongside the Germans, the Italians, the Spaniards, we are even stronger! It is through Europe that, in the new geopolitics, France will never be able to be the vassal of either China or the United States of America!” he continued.

“I stuck to our debate of five years ago”

But it is also the way to target its main competitor. And it’s rare enough to be underlined: this time, he names her questioned, by journalists in the middle of a crowd…

“When people want to leave Europe, that has consequences. (Journalist: ‘But who wants to leave Europe today?’) But Madame Le Pen wants to leave Europe! (Journalist: ‘Always ?’) Oh, but I thought her whole program depended on it! So I no longer understood… I’m no longer the film, I’m lost! She said again that she wanted to get out of Schengen. I stayed with it. to our debate five years ago”.

Emmanuel Macron pretends to ignore that his rival has changed his mind on the issue to better sting it. As if the return match of 2017 had already begun.

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