Emmanuel Macron cropped by Xavier de Moulins on M6

For his first interview as a presidential candidate, Emmanuel Macron was curtly welcomed by Xavier de Moulins on M6.

Make the difference between his status as a candidate and that of President of the Republic. This was the promise made by Emmanuel Macron. By writing a letter to the French to announce his candidacy, the head of state wanted to separate the two costumes so as not to blur the borders as the electoral campaign started.

A posture that the journalist Xavier de Moulins intends to respect. He received Wednesday, March 23, Emmanuel Macron on the set of 7:45 p.m. on M6. This was Emmanuel Macron’s first interview as a candidate.

The journalist gave him the same welcome as any other candidate for the Elysée, ie an impartial interview and controlled speaking time. From the start of the interview, the tone is set. “For better visibility, I will allow myself to call you Emmanuel Macron, throughout this interview, does that suit you?”, asks the journalist.

No preferential treatment for Emmanuel Macron

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The French president was invited to respond to six themes during the interview. Xavier de Moulins marked the interview with a harsh tone, not hesitating to shake the candidate and cut him off in his speech, when the latter exceeded the time.

While Emmanuel Macron explains at great length his plan to condition the allocation of the RSA to people performing 15 to 20 hours of work per week, Xavier de Moulins ends up cutting the candidate. “We heard you, Mr. candidate. We heard you, it’s time to move on to another subject”, throws the journalist at him, to tell him that he has spoken enough about this subject.

Emmanuel Macron insists, Xavier de Moulins rages

However, candidate or president, it doesn’t matter, Emmanuel Macron intends to further develop his argument on the subject of RSA. “The other point if you allow me…”, insists Emmanuel Macron. Opposite Xavier de Moulins is firm and responds with an indisputable “no”.

The verbal game does not stop there. Emmanuel Macron’s request for authorization seems rhetorical and did not really expect an answer, since the latter continues again on the same subject.

Faced with the persistent insistence of Emmanuel Macron, the journalist is more clear. “I don’t allow you anymore. We’re going to move on to youth now.” answers Xavier de Moulins, who had clearly explained the course of the program. “No, but I slip it anyway”, once again allows Emmanuel Macron.

No more question of being tolerant for Xavier de Moulins, who reframes the president one last time. “Mr. candidate, I’m the master of the clocks here, it’s not you, Mr. candidate”explains the journalist firmly.

Sacred exercise in moderation for Xavier de Moulins. Training for the journalist who will then receive Marine Le Pen and then Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Amina Boumazza

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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