Emmanuel Macron: first commemoration of the President’s second term

Jacques Serais
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07:22, May 08, 2022

After celebrating his inauguration on Saturday May 7, Emmanuel Macron will go this Sunday to the statue of General de Gaulle then to the tomb of the unknown soldier for the ceremonies to commemorate the victory of May 8, 1945. He will participate, in the aftermath noon, to a videoconference of the members of the G7 devoted to the war in Ukraine.

After an investiture ceremony on Saturday May 7, a new political sequence opens for Emmanuel Macron. He will go this Sunday to the statue of General de Gaulle. He will then go up the Avenue des Champs-Elysées, escorted by the Republican Guard, for the ceremonies commemorating the victory of May 8, 1945.

Rekindling the flame of the unknown soldier and of Europe

For the President of the Republic, head to Place de l’Etoile, where he will lay a wreath in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier. Five years ago, on May 8, 2017 the day after his election, Emmanuel Macron was invited by François Hollande to go under the Arc de Triomphe. It was his first official ceremony.

Today, the day after his inauguration, he will be alone in rekindling the flame of the unknown soldier. This gesture marks the beginning of a new sequence, placed under the sign of Europe and Ukraine. This Sunday, at 5 p.m., the Head of State will also participate in a videoconference of the members of the G7 devoted to the war in Ukraine.

On Monday May 9, Europe Day, Emmanuel Macron will deliver a speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Before going to Berlin where he will have dinner with Chancellor Olaf Scholz. This will be his first trip abroad since his re-election.

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