Emmanuel Macron proposes to reappoint Jean Castex as head of RATP for a second term

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, proposed Monday June 3 to reappoint the current CEO of the Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), Jean Castex, for a second five-year term, the Elysée announced in a press release . The former prime minister took the reins of the RATP on November 23, 2022, two months after the resignation of his predecessor, Catherine Guillouard, for personal reasons, with the mission of putting transport back in working order for the Olympic Games (JO ).

By taking over the mandate of Catherine Guillouard, appointed on July 24, 2019, Jean Castex was therefore entrusted with a mission of one and a half years, pending a possible renewal. He must now be heard by the sustainable development and regional planning committees of the National Assembly and the Senate, which must then validate his appointment.

When he took office at the end of 2022, the RATP was in crisis with a bus network in agony − a quarter of the planned buses were not running − and a metro in great difficulty − 10% of unexecuted services − due to human resources problems, endemic absenteeism and sporadic social unrest.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers RATP: poor punctuality of the metros

Significant improvement in the offer

The prospect of the opening to competition on the bus network, which will be effective between 2025 and 2027, has created many turmoil within the public company, shaken by latent social conflicts. The lack of anticipation of recruitment following the Covid-19 pandemic has also caused serious staffing problems, which RATP has gradually addressed with massive recruitment campaigns launched in 2023 and 2024.

During an assessment of the quality of service in Ile-de-France transport carried out on May 14, the president of the Regional Transport Authority (Ile-de-France Mobilités), Valérie Pécresse, noted a clear improvement in the offer. Under the presidency of Mr. Castex, the level of bus regularity rose above 90%. As for the metro, only one line remains in difficulty while three are fragile. In 2023, there were five lines in difficulty and two weakened.

Mr. Castex also successfully negotiated the payment of bonuses for employees mobilized during the Olympic Games period, in order to guarantee the mobilization of agents. On the other hand, in 2023, for the second year in a row, RATP posted a net loss, amounting to 109 million euros.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers The RATP corrects the situation but remains in the red

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