Emmanuel Macron shocked by Caroline Roux’s question


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Emmanuel Macron did not escape the July 14 interview. Questioned by Anne-Claire Coudray and Caroline Roux, the president came out of his hinges.

It is a traditional exercise. The president who enters – for the first time or again – in office undertakes to answer an interview during the national holiday. A media point that allows the Head of State to defend his first ambitions for France. After taking part in the flypast of the pilots of the Patrouille de France from his jet, the president had to face the sensitive issues of his start in office.

It is in front of two women journalists that Emmanuel Macron explained his governance. Anne-Claire Coudray and Caroline Roux played the game perfectly, going so far as to question the president on the subjects that annoy. After addressing the issue of pensions, Caroline Roux launched the subject of “Uber files”.

This case was initiated by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), of which The world last July 10. The media have revealed that between 2014 and 2016, Emmanuel Macron would have favored the installation of Uber, a VTC company and American giant on the French market. A “secret deal” would have been passed. For the current Head of State, it was a simple opening of the market.

In this regard, Caroline Roux asked Emmanuel Macron: “Would you do it again after seeing what the Uber social model was?” No doubt with the president, who launched point blank: “Yes. Totally.”

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Emmanuel Macron stung by Caroline Roux

Emmanuel Macron defended himself by specifying that this project was not decided by his ministry alone unilaterally. “When you’re a minister, you don’t do things against the advice of the government, that doesn’t exist”replied Emmanuel Macron.

Precisely about the rest of the government, Caroline Roux asked if the ministers “were aware?”. Spontaneously and annoyed, Emmanuel Macron replied, “But are you kidding or what?”
“When you are a minister, the texts you carry are subject to misinterpretations, there were difficult battles. I totally defended this opening of the market and I would defend it again tomorrow”, recalled Emmanuel Macron.

Weakened by the results of the legislative elections which left him with a relative majority in the National Assembly. Not to mention the scandals that have plagued some of his ministers. Emmanuel Macron feels attacked from all sides and loses his temper. The president recently called his troops to order by inviting the deputies of his Renaissance party to stick together and continue the fight to defend this new mandate. “You must be in permanent campaign. The risk or the fear of combat must not be with you”, would have recalled the president during a cocktail given at the Elysée.

Amina Boumazza

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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