Emmanuel Macron: the Ukrainian counter-offensive will last “several weeks, even months”

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credits: LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

The Ukrainian army’s counter-offensive against Russian forces has begun, and it is expected to last “several weeks, even months”, French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed on Monday. This counter-offensive “started several days ago”, he said alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Polish President Andrzej Duda at the Elysee Palace.

French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed on Monday that the Ukrainian army’s counter-offensive against Russian forces had begun, estimating that it would last “several weeks, even months”. “The Ukrainian counter-offensive started several days ago,” he said alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Polish President Andrzej Duda at the Elysee Palace. “It is intended to be deployed over several weeks, even several months,” added the French president, who brings together German and Polish leaders in the format of the Weimar Triangle, a platform for regular summit meetings between the three countries.

Seven villages recaptured from Russian forces

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Saturday that “counter-offensive and defensive actions” were taking place in Ukraine, without specifying whether it was the major counter-offensive that had been prepared for several weeks. Seven villages have been recaptured from Russian forces in the south and east of the country as part of these operations, the Ukrainian government said Monday evening. “We want” this counter-offensive to be “as successful as possible so that we can then trigger a phase of negotiation in good conditions”, underlined the French president.

Emmanuel Macron also confirmed that France would continue to “intensify” its military aid to Ukraine. “We have intensified deliveries of arms and ammunition, armored vehicles, and also logistical support,” he recalled, also specifying that maintenance was provided to equipment damaged in the fighting.

“We will continue according to the schedule that I gave (to President Zelensky) in the coming days and weeks,” added the head of state. Chancellor Scholz also stressed that Ukraine would be “supported as long as necessary” with tanks, artillery and also anti-aircraft defence. “The war of aggression waged by Russia is already a strategic and geopolitical failure for the aggressor,” insisted President Macron.

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