Emmanuel Macron wants to dismantle Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram

In an interview with the weekly Le Point, Emmanuel Macron expressed his wish to see the dismantling of groups such as Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp). He questions the anonymity on the Internet, yet defended by the current secretary of state for digital, advocates digital sovereignty.

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Emmanuel Macron, candidate for a second term as President of France, gave a long interview to the weekly Le Point. A river article where he expresses his ideas in the face of recent national and international events and where he defends not only part of his balance sheet but also his program. In this interview, a place was left to digital questions. And Emmanuel Macron did not hesitate to finger pointing social media.

Read also – Russia bans Facebook and Instagram, deemed “extremist” by the Kremlin

According to him, social networks contribute greatly to the dissemination of false information and to a certain form of violence. ” One can [y] kill reputations, spread fake news, drive people to suicides “, he believes. Two causes are cited by the President. First, he points to the anonymity that protects the perpetrators of his misdeeds, while the principle is defended by Cédric O, his current Secretary of State for Digital.

Emmanuel Macron also wants the separation of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp

Then he accuses the leaders of his social networks and their ultra liberal visions which push them to be omnipresent. To defend and protect himself, Emmanuel Macron evokes a solution: “ Do not hesitate to consider the dismantling of those who are in a situation of monopoly “. He does not name Meta, Mark Zuckerberg’s band, but the reference is obvious. Because Meta is accused in Europe and across the Atlantic of abuse of a dominant position after the takeover of WhatsApp and Instagram. The United States also wants Meta to sell its two applications.

He deplores the fact that no major social network is French or European. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or TikTok, they’re American or Chinese. In this interview, the candidate therefore reaffirms his intention toprovide France with the means to acquire its digital sovereignty, whether in the fields of mobile applications, the cloud, cybersecurity or even virtual reality (and the metaverse). A project from which he will not see the fruits as president, even if he is elected on April 24, 2022: it will take 10 years before this can happen.

Source: The Point

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