Emmanuel Macron will address the French during a televised address on Monday evening, the intersyndicale gives an appointment in the street on May 1

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, will address the French on Monday April 16, after the lightning promulgation of the pension reform which outraged unions and opposition on Saturday and showed the Head of State’s desire to quickly relaunch his second five-year term. , hampered by the social and political crisis.

There “Law of 14 April 2023 on the amending financing of Social Security for 2023”signed Friday evening by Emmanuel Macron after the validation of the main part of the reform by the Constitutional Council, was published in the Official newspaper very early Saturday.

The Elysée announced in the process that the President of the Republic would address the French during a speech Monday evening, a priori at 8 p.m. He will speak “in a logic of appeasement”For “take stock” three months of crisis and “Also look at what has advanced alongside pensions”promised, on TF1, the government spokesman, Olivier Véran, citing the drop in unemployment and taxes.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: Emmanuel Macron promulgates the law, despite the challenge

“In the weeks and months to come, around the President of the Republic, we are ready to accelerate” the reforms, said the Prime Minister for her part on Saturday. “We want to build a France of full employment”, “ensure equal opportunities”, ” to act “ for health and even education, hammered Elisabeth Borne during a national council of the presidential party Renaissance, in Paris.

Olivier Véran, for his part, confirmed that the gradual transition to the retirement age from 62 to 64 would begin in September, at the rate of one quarter per year. The revaluation of certain small pensions will be launched at the same time.

“The President of Chaos”

On the side of the inter-union, we do not admit defeat so far. She shared her ” determination “ to continue the fight against raising the legal retirement age to 64. Refusing to enter the” diary “ after the crisis of the executive, all declined an invitation Tuesday to the Elysée.

The ultra-fast publication of the reform, while the inter-union, united for three months of protest, “had solemnly requested the president not to promulgate the law”, East “Totally shameful” denounced the general secretary of the CGT, Sophie Binet. Emmanuel Macron “is becoming the president of chaos” And “opens a boulevard to the National Rally”she snapped. “The contempt returned to the workers will have been constant”reacted his CFDT counterpart, Laurent Berger.

Read also: Pensions: “disaster for the nation”, “collective waste”… after the validation of the law by the Constitutional Council

In opposition, Marine Le Pen singled out a “yet another provocation against the French”while the leader of La France insoumise (LFI), Jean-Luc Mélenchon, denounced a “absurd display of arrogance”. The first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, sees in this rapid promulgation a sign of “febrility”. He promised a “democratic bullying” to go back to the 64 years. Socialist deputies and senators have planned to table a legislative text asking for the repeal of the reform.

Demonstrators on the Place de la République in Rennes, April 15, 2023.

The deputy (LFI) of Seine-Saint-Denis and president of the finance committee of the National Assembly, Eric Coquerel, announced to Agence France-Presse (AFP) that the “rebellious” group had started discussions with the independents of the LIOT group (Freedoms, independents, overseas and territories) and the whole of Nupes (New People’s Ecological and Social Union) with a view to a potential filing of a motion of censure.

Eleven arrests in Rennes

As soon as the reform was promulgated, violence again enamelled, on Saturday, a demonstration in Rennes where businesses were vandalized, two cars burned in addition to clashes with the police.


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More than a thousand people, mostly young people, had gathered calmly at the beginning of the afternoon in Place de la République, at the call, in particular, of Rennes collectives on social networks. Event “unauthorized”according to the prefecture.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: story of three months of mobilization between feeling of injustice and anger against 49.3

But less than half an hour after the departure of the procession, the situation began to degenerate. Targeted by stones, bottles and sometimes fireworks launched by young people dressed in black, the police responded with numerous tear gas shots and the intervention of water cannons. The prefecture reported eleven arrested individuals who “will be presented to the judicial authority”as well as one slightly injured among the mobile gendarmes, and two among the demonstrators.

In Paris, 300 people marched in a calm atmosphere in the 19e district, to cries in particular of “Paris stand up, rise up”while in Lille, demonstrators, gathered on the Grand’Place from 6 p.m., started a procession which crossed Old Lille.

Actions in all sectors Thursday, April 20

The inter-union bets on the traditional meeting of 1er May that she wishes to transform into “exceptional and popular mobilization day” against the heart of the reform, retirement at age 64. The boss of the CFDT wishes “that on May 1, “we break the house” in number of demonstrators in the street”. “On the decrees, the concrete implementation of the measures, we are not going to let go of the government”he told the Parisian.

In the meantime, the four SNCF unions have announced “a day of expression of railway anger”, THURSDAY. And the CGT mentioned actions in all sectors on Thursday as well, as well as on April 28. The twelfth day of mobilization, Thursday, April 13, had delivered the second lowest mobilization score since the beginning of the movement (380,000 demonstrators according to the Ministry of the Interior, 1.5 million according to the CGT).

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Reconnecting with the unions will not be easy. “There will be resentment, scars”, slips a close friend of the head of state. And with what majority? Elisabeth Borne shared this week the conclusions of her consultations with the leaders of the various parties this week to Emmanuel Macron. A status quo is emerging: “If the time is not for coalitions, majorities are possible, project by project, to offer solutions to the French”advanced, Saturday, the head of government.

The World with AFP

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