“Emmanuel Macron’s mandate has been an authoritarian mandate”

The RN candidate announced, on Wednesday on Europe 1, her economic proposals and her European policy. She strongly criticized the Macron government and called on all voters to vote for her.

Marine Le Pen was at the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk on Wednesday and detailed certain economic proposals. She offered alternatives to a possible embargo on Russian coal: “We have another choice […] that of offering all the gas-producing countries […] to sell their gas at the average price of the last two years.” She also denounced the European policy on energy independence: “With the liberalized European electricity market […] we are going to suffer the consequences of the increase in electricity”, adding “that we are going to get American gas, which is ecologically catastrophic. »

His proposal to protect the most fragile French people? The reduction of VAT on energy products: “We must reduce the VAT on energy from 20 to 5.5% because we are faced with basic necessities.” She also said that she “[ferait] a basket of food products and basic hygiene necessities at 0% VAT.”

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The RN candidate then listed her proposals in terms of ecology: “We must regain control of our nuclear fleet […] we must abolish the 4.5 billion subsidies for intermittent energies, launch studies for the extension of our nuclear power plants up to 60 years, exit from the European energy market. At the same time, she criticized the policy of the Macron government: “The people who govern us have made ecological decisions which are not in the interest of the French people.”

The Jérémy Cohen affair illustrates “the rise of savagery”

On the question of the war in Ukraine, she justified her position of maintaining dialogue with Putin: “France has always had the same position for decades because it is a wise and reasonable position.” After the Boutcha massacres, she called for an “international investigation”: “The objective is to find out whether Russia […] can again become an interlocutor in the concert of Nations.”

How would she qualify the Jérémy Cohen case, hit by a tram following violence? According to Marine Le Pen, this case illustrates a “fundamental problem that no one wants to see: the rise of savagery, the rise of aggression.” Faced with political recoveries, she underlines the government’s unease: “This is the accusation made by those who do not feel very comfortable on the subject. […] it is an element of the public debate to raise the question of the savagery of society, of the aggravation of anti-Semitic attacks in our country” concluding that “obviously, we are coming to Islamism.”

“I want to give the French back their country and their money”

The candidate did not hesitate to appeal to the voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Éric Zemmour, presenting herself as “the candidate of all protections, of all security: social security and physical security”, while denouncing government policy: “Emmanuel Macron’s mandate was an authoritarian mandate.”

What about its European policy? The candidate defends a French Constitution superior to European texts and wishes to “reduce the powers of the European Commission” which, according to her, “has no electoral legitimacy!” She also said she wanted to put more customs officers at the borders to fight against fraud, and to restore control of people at the borders: “There are 25% of food imports that are fraudulent” alerting to “a health danger and an economic danger . His offensive tone vis-à-vis the European Commission translates into a wish to reduce the French contribution to the budget of the European Union: “I want to give back to the French their country and their money.”

She severely criticized the posture of Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign, who did not participate in the debates: “He remained locked up in his ivory tower […] he is completely disconnected.” Faced with the rise of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the polls, she denounces the demagoguery of the latter’s program by calling on her voters to reason: “Do not be fooled by impractical announcements […] come and defend your purchasing power around a project that is serious, costed and worked on for many months.”

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