employee savings, this boost to boost your personal contribution

More than half of French people use their salary savings as a contribution to their real estate project. This is revealed by the survey carried out by Opinion Way for Epsor.

While the National Assembly has just adopted the bill on purchasing power, here is a device that has the wind in its sails: employee savings. Employee savings, through bonuses such as profit-sharing or participation, is an ideal lever to achieve this objective, and is even becoming more and more essential in compensation packages, indicates a study carried out by the fintech Epsor with Opinion way(1) .

According to the survey, 76% of French people consider employee savings to be an attractive advantage in their compensation package. For 35% of them, it is even the main advantage, especially among young people aged 25 to 34 (43%) and among those with savings of over 10,000 euros (49%). An advantage that could even be reinforced if the bill on purchasing power is adopted by the Senate. Indeed, among the measures presented we find the lengthening of the duration of profit-sharing agreements three to five years.

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Employee savings as a real estate contribution

Thanks to a advantageous taxthe possibility of employer matching, and dynamic savings plans, employee savings constitutes a real reserve pocket to build one’s life projects, specifies the study. 56% of people surveyed and owners of their main residence, also claim to have used their employee savings as a contribution to their real estate project. In fact, in certain cases, it is possible to unlock your employee savings plan for the acquisition of a principal residence.

A lack of information that pushes to be cautious

The employee savings specialist’s survey also highlights the need for the French to receive more information. 43% demand more explanations on the functioninginformation and communications clearer, more legible and more regular.

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This lack of information results in a certain reluctance for more risky investments. 53% of respondents save in risk-free or conservative vehicles. According to the survey, the dynamic investments are favored by 27% of French peopleand more specifically executives and people whose savings have exceeded 5,000 euros over the past three years.

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The government has shown its desire to develop employee savings schemes, in particular through profit-sharing, profit-sharing, or the employee dividend. And that’s good news, since these are benefits favored by the employees themselves. These advantages can constitute real pockets of savings for the beneficiaries, but there is a very unequal appropriation, due to a lack of information on the part of companies and managers of employee savings plans, comments Benjamin Pedrini, Chief Executive Officer of Epsor.

(1)Survey carried out by OpinionWay among 801 employees of companies with at least one employee benefiting from at least one employee savings scheme between May 11 and May 18, 2022.

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