Empty asylum quarters – dispute about the severity of the damage to the Kobenzl

The tug-of-war over the use of the former luxury hotel as a refugee quarters continues. The building authority is back on the train.

At the end of November, representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, the city and an expert inspected the Kobenzl. Mayor Harald Preuner (ÖVP) had put pressure on the empty refugee quarters to be used again. But apparently that won’t happen that quickly. On Wednesday, the city manager received a letter from the federal support agency BBU, which is responsible for looking after refugees, with an expert’s report. “I have the feeling that they just don’t want to” use as a Refugee accommodation is currently not possible due to numerous construction defects. What’s more, employee protection as well as hygiene and health concerns would make use impossible. Now the BBU is asking for information from the municipal building authority, “which measures must be taken in order to be able to use the property as a refugee accommodation again in accordance with the law”. In the “Krone” interview, Preuner reacted angrily to the letter: “I have the feeling that the just don’t want to.” The building authority will analyze the report and respond accordingly. The Ministry of the Interior must agree with the landlord to rectify any defects.
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