“Empty promises”: Trump divides the crypto camp

In this article you will learn:

  • Why parts of the crypto industry are on Trump’s side
  • What Donald Trump aims to achieve with his change of course
  • Why approaching him is naive

Who cares about yesterday’s chatter? Statements like “pursue Bitcoin,” that cryptocurrencies are a “dangerous thing” or a “potential disaster” are forgotten. Parts of the US crypto industry are now supporting Donald Trump when he claims to want to take a liberal course. With typically twisted demands: He wants to tie the mining industry to America so that all remaining Bitcoin is “Made in the USA.”

As cheap as the scam is, it seems to be working. Companies and industry representatives are falling for the Republican’s meaningless promises in droves. This is helped by the fact that the Biden administration has not gained many brownie points in the crypto scene. And so the Twitter echo chamber is unanimously approving of a presidential candidate who could further plunge the world into chaos. Is it worth it?

“I’m not a big fan of Bitcoin”

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