End clap for the Covid-19 pandemic?

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CHRONIC. France abandoned isolation measures on 1er February, which marks a shift in its management of Sars-CoV-2. Quebec is overhauling its vaccine strategy.

By Stephane Demorand

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Ihe Covid-19 pandemic is still a public health emergency of international concern, according to the WHO. The recent end of restrictions in China and the still relative decline in the evolution of the epidemic still require some caution. It is in this context that France chose to loosen the vice a little on 1er last February.

It is no longer necessary to isolate oneself in the event of Sars-CoV-2 infection and derogatory sick leave, without a waiting day for people who test positive, is no longer accessible. Finally, “contact tracing” is bowing out and it is now possible not to consent to the transmission of the result of a test in the Sidep database.

All these measures sign a form of return to normal and have the direct consequence of…

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