Energy: Jadot promises a drop of 600 to 700 euros in bills

Sur RTL, Wednesday, February 2, Yannick Jadot promised a reduction of “600 to 700 euros” in the annual household energy bill if he were to be elected. To achieve this, the environmentalist candidate has presented a vast housing investment plan that would allow the renovation of the least well-insulated homes, thus lowering heating bills. Moreover, such a plan would require the employment of some “100,000 craftsmen in all our territories”.

During his time on RTL, Yannick Jadot also proposed setting up “free carpooling” in order to lower the financial and ecological cost of home-to-work journeys. Recognizing, however, that “individual behavior is at most 25% of the solution” to fight against climate change, the environmentalist candidate stresses the importance of “engaging structural changes” via public policies.

READ ALSOHow much does soaring energy prices cost the French

He also reiterated his promise to apply “a golden climate rule” and “a kind of bonus-malus” to public finances, that is to say to condition the release of public funds on climate protection.

Asked why, according to him, ecology was struggling to take its place in the debates of the campaign, he lamented: “Today, it is easier to say ‘out the Arabs’ than to say how we are going to solve social housing, to say “immigrants are responsible for everything” rather than thinking with companies about how we create jobs. »

“The debate today is captured” by those who hold this discourse, “but the French are gradually entering into this campaign”, he estimated: “They have for the moment looked at it as a show, with its political invectives, its most nauseating or delirious proposals, and little by little they will look at the projects which provide solutions to purchasing power, public services. »

READ ALSO“Ecology, a major absence from Macron’s assessment program”

However, Yannick Jadot’s proposals do not necessarily appeal, even on the left. On LCP, Fabien Roussel quickly reacted to the energy promise of his environmental rival. ” Tintin ! Those who have insulated their house as I have done, I do not pay less for electricity because, if my house is insulated, the electricity has increased by 50%, because today the price of electricity is indexed to the price of gas”, he lamented on Public Senate.

Communist candidate Fabien Roussel even accused “the Greens and (Jean-Luc) Mélenchon” of lying on this issue of the energy bill: “They lie, they don’t live in the same world as us. »

READ ALSOPresidential – Fabien Roussel: Mélenchon, Hitchcock and the USSR

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