Energy sobriety: “These plans must be fed by the field”, insists Guerini

Ophelie Artaud
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09:08, September 16, 2022

Energy sobriety. For the past few weeks, and with the risk of not having enough energy to get through the winter, the word has been on everyone’s lips. Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Transformation and Public Service, was the guest of Europe 1 this Friday morning.

“A unique opportunity to strongly initiate ecological planning”

While the government’s energy sobriety plan is to be presented in the coming weeks, the minister insisted that “if we collectively make efforts to be sober, if we reduce our consumption by 10% this winter, then we will pass this winter. It can be achieved if those who have the greatest impact on energy consumption, such as companies or administrations, start doing this work. In this sobriety plan, we must show the French people that ‘we start with ourselves, we will be more credible to then advise everyone to make an effort.

For a few days, the possibility of setting up telework to save energy in offices had been considered, the minister assured Dimitri Pavlenko’s microphone that he “would never impose a national telework plan uniformly in all the public services, it would not make sense. If we have on one side agents who telecommute and on the other, other public agents who work in a building, then we will have to heat people’s homes and in the building.” According to him, this plan should not “necessarily be radical. A sobriety plan for public power that works must be credible vis-à-vis the administrations themselves, it is not only to say ‘do less 10% ‘, without giving a tool to achieve it. A successful sobriety plan must be concrete,” he stressed.

“We must accompany everyone, train and give tools”

The minister, also general delegate of La République en Marche, announced that he would deploy “at the beginning of October to deploy a major training plan to train in all my administrations in the country the decision-makers, the heads of service, those who have levers for ecological planning. These will not be theoretical training, the objective is that these sobriety plans are fed by the field. It is a unique opportunity to put the package and initiate ecological planning in a strong way.”

“If we make the right efforts ourselves, we will be able to get through the winter. Good will, organization and putting in place elements that make us credible. We have to support everyone, train and provide tools,” he said. he concluded.

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