Energy: the EU will drastically reduce its consumption

The target set by EU states on Monday corresponds to a maximum final consumption of 787 million tonnes of oil equivalent per year, down 36% from projections for 2030.

The Twenty-Seven have agreed on a rather restrictive text in order to reduce their energy consumption. Meeting in Luxembourg, the European energy ministers adopted a common position which takes up the maximum energy consumption objectives proposed by Brussels in July 2021. As part of its ambitious climate plan, the European Commission set a reduction in consumption energy consumption by at least 9% between 2020 and 2030.

This objective corresponds to final consumption by households, businesses, buildings, etc., which will not exceed 787 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) per year. This represents a decrease of almost 40% compared to the “reference scenario” established in 2007 for 2030.

Each country will have to establish national contributions “indicative” according to its specificities (energy intensity, GDP, etc.), which the Commission will examine and correct if the EU-wide target is not met. The text also imposes the renovation of at least 3% per year of public buildings, and transparency on the consumption of data centers, which are very energy-intensive.

This compromise, which will have to be negotiated by MEPs, was obtained despite strong reluctance. Much to Berlin’s chagrin, Spain demanded an easing, while Luxembourg Minister Claude Turmes expressed concern that he would be forced to “shut down industries”, and that Poland highlighted the impact of the Ukrainian refugees it hosts. Approved with “widespread support », this agreement « ooffers the necessary flexibilities while maintaining the overall ambition“, underlined the French Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher.

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