Entrepreneur Booster Programme: it’s time to get started!

Business creation is on the rise. Are you thinking of getting started but don’t know how to proceed or where to turn? The Entrepreneur Booster Program is for you!

While nearly a million companies were created in France last year, the temptation is great for many to take the plunge and become their own boss. To best accompany those who would like to try the adventure, Reworld Media presents the Entrepreneur Booster Program, a training course made up of 40 modules covering all the most important aspects of this type of project, from marketing strategy to the legal aspect. This program is designed to be accessible to as many people as possible and offers online training that is very easy to follow.

The Entrepreneur Booster Program, organized by Bpifrance and Eduform’Action Groupe and of which Reworld Media is a partner, is spread over a year and addresses all the essential questions related to entrepreneurship. Online conferences on the main themes and support through a hotline service are planned. For more information on this program, click here and go there to register. At the end of your training, you will have the opportunity to present your project to a jury of experts and thus benefit from support from A to Z.

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