Environmental activists block a motorway around London

Activists from the group Just Stop Oil, which campaigns for an end to the exploitation of fossil fuels, blocked the M25 motorway which surrounds the city of London on Wednesday.

Environmental activists blocked the highway around London on Wednesday to protest the UK government’s inaction on the climate crisis, after record temperatures in the country. The country’s motorways site warned of 15-kilometre traffic jams as activists passed through gates above the M25 motorway, prompting the intervention of the police.

“We just had 40 degree temperatures, which we’ve predicted for decades. Maybe it’s coming a little faster, but it just shows how unprepared the government is for climate change. and it’s obvious that we can’t go on like this,” said a spokesperson for the group Just Stop Oil, which campaigns for the end of the exploitation of fossil fuels.

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On Tuesday, for the first time in the United Kingdom, the mercury exceeded 40 degrees in the country, with in particular 40.2°C at Heathrow airport, in west London, then 40.3°C in Coningsby, a village in the North East of England. The multiplication of heat waves is a direct consequence of the climate crisis according to scientists, with greenhouse gas emissions increasing in intensity, duration and frequency. Due to the heat, significant disruptions were observed in transport – not adapted to handle such temperatures – and several fires broke out.

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Sixteen firefighters were injured while battling a blaze in the village of Wennington in east London. The fire spread over an area of ​​40 hectares, including homes, farm buildings and garages. “Yesterday (Tuesday) was the busiest day for the fire services in London since the Second World War,” Mayor of London Sadiq Khan told Sky News, calling on Britons to remain vigilant despite falling fires. temperatures. Mr Khan also accused the Conservative candidates to succeed Prime Minister Boris Johnson of ignoring the “elephant in the room” which is climate change, a subject which was very little discussed during the campaign.

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