Erdogan urges moderation: Putin declares Cherson and Zaporizhia independent states

Erdogan urges moderation
Putin declares Cherson and Zaporizhia independent states

The Kremlin prescribes a protocol for the – contrary to international law – annexation of the occupied territories in the Ukraine to Russia. And that is now being processed at great speed so that the celebrations can take place in Moscow on Friday as planned. Even words of warning from the Turkish head of state Erdogan do not seem to slow Putin down.

In another illegal act, Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized the occupied Ukrainian regions of Cherson and Zaporizhia as independent states. The corresponding decrees of the Kremlin chief were published in Moscow during the night. According to Moscow’s protocol, the decrees are the prerequisite for the regions to be able to apply for admission to the Russian Federation this Friday. In mock referendums, the areas had previously voted on joining Russia.

On February 21 – three days before Russia invaded Ukraine – Putin had already recognized the independence of the Ukrainian regions of Luhansk and Donetsk, which call themselves “People’s Republics”. All four areas are applying to join Russia, which Putin wants to formalize at a ceremony in the Kremlin this Friday. According to the Kremlin, a ceremony to sign an agreement is scheduled for the afternoon. Parliament’s approval, which is then still outstanding, is considered a formality.

Russia’s actions are internationally recognized as a crime against Ukraine’s territorial integrity. No state recognizes that. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged Putin to defuse tensions. Such steps are expected from Moscow, especially with a view to the question of the accession of some Ukrainian regions to Russia, Erdogan said in a conversation with Putin on Thursday, as reported by the Turkish Ministry of Communications.

Erdogan had previously criticized the holding of sham referendums in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. Turkey is a member of NATO and has good relations with both Ukraine and Russia.

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