ESC cancellation: musician Alex Diehl welcomes the decision

In 2016 musician Alex Diehl (32, "Just a song") wanted to represent Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm. However, he already failed in the preliminary decision against colleague Jamie-Lee Kriewitz (22). He thinks the ESC's cancellation of the coronavirus this year is "definitely" correct. "I welcome the decision," said Diehl in an interview with the news agency spot on news. "This is about human life, and the health and well-being of everyone is above all forms of entertainment."

Diehl is "not a supporter of the German title 'Violent Thing'", but would find it "very unfair to Ben Dolic if this would now lead to the cancellation of his chance. You have to stay fair here." He granted Dolic the trip to Rotterdam and hoped "that he could start for Germany next year". Diehl itself is also feeling the effects of the corona pandemic.

Alex Diehl also affected by the corona crisis

The corona crisis had a "strong" impact on his annual planning. All of his "planned and confirmed concerts are on the brink". That hits him "financially hard", but "I would never risk the health of my concertgoers just to be on stage". In addition, the musician must fear for the release of his new album "Laut", which was scheduled for May 22nd. "In the worst case, the publication is simply postponed for some time," said Diehl.

Alex Diehl also explains: "I try to remain optimistic and hope for cross-border solidarity to put a stop to this virus. Then we can go to concerts again soon and record our everyday life. Even if we may have to do this during this forced break should think about one way or another of living and dealing with our nature and our society. I wish everyone good health and a peaceful, considerate cooperation in these difficult times. "