Escaped in Lungau – Kuh was on the road for two months: happy ending

A young homeless cow was out and about in Innerkrems for more than two months after it had escaped during the Almabtrieb in Lungau (Sbg). Because the heavy snow had made the fodder scarce, hunger drove the cattle to a farm. Its owner has now picked it up and brought it home.

As it turned out, the young cattle ran away on September 24th during a cattle drive. “She must have been terrified of something. My animals are all hand-tame, ”reports their owner. At that time the calf had searched the distance and could no longer be found. How the young cow got to Carinthia and where it has been in the meantime will probably remain a mystery. After the first snowfalls, the shy cattle had repeatedly approached Karl Frühauf’s farm in Innerkrems. He put hay out for her every day. The hunger should then have become overwhelming. The cow let the farmer get so close that he could read her ear tag. Early on then notified the owner in Salzburg. The farmer from Flachgau picked up his animal on Tuesday. “The cow got on the trailer without any problems. She even recognized me, ”reports the Salzburg farmer. She is now back in her home stable. “When she is fully grown, she is used as a dairy cow and is also given a name,” says the farmer, who is happy that his calf’s incredible journey has ended happily. Because with so much snow, she couldn’t have survived the winter on her own.
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