– Bridgepoint’s intention to launch, in association with General Atlantic and the management shareholders, a public tender offer for Esker shares at a price of €262 per share, representing a premium of 30.1% over the unaffected share price on August 8, 2024, the date preceding market rumors of a possible transaction and a premium of 37.2%, 43.6% and 62.4%, respectively, over the 3-, 6- and 12-month volume-weighted average share prices prior to that date
– Project that would allow Esker, a key player in Source-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash management cycle automation solutions, to accelerate its development strategy by having all the necessary flexibility and support from Bridgepoint and General Atlantic
– Favorable and unanimous reception of the Esker Supervisory Board on the principle of the Offer
– Establishment by the Supervisory Board of an independent ad hoc committee and appointment of Finexsi as independent expert to issue a report on the financial conditions of the Offer
– Signature by Esker and Boréal Bidco (a company controlled by Bridgepoint) of an agreement (Tender Offer Agreement) relating to the terms and conditions of the Offer
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