Eternights: The action and dating game is getting a little late and will come to us this summer

Revealed during a State of Play, Eternals was enough to disconcert more than one with its atypical concept even if we can easily guess its influences, personas on your mind. The title of Sai Studio presents itself as an action game that also leaves room for a bit of a dating sim, against a backdrop of the end of the world and strange creatures to be eliminated thanks to the rather special right arm of our protagonist. This original proposal was supposed to arrive this spring, but it has now been postponed to the following season.

Studio Sai doesn’t want to ruin his date

Save the world (while getting a date) will wait, since the studio behind Eternals announces to us that the latter will not finally see the light of day before the summer of 2023, instead of the spring. No more precise date is given for the moment, but we are entitled to a new trailer to make us wait.

This slight postponement is justified by an increased ambition on the part of the studio, which says it has greatly improved the level-design of the game to offer more reasons for players to grind dungeons. The team explains that since the announcement of the game, big changes have been made to the user interface, the rhythm of the fights as well as the immersion. This is why he needed a few extra weeks of work to reach the end of his vision.

Eternals is expected PC via Steam and Epic Games Store, PS4 and PS5.

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