Ethereum Classic (ETC), a “zombie project”? The decided opinion of the boss of Cardano

dead and wicked – The founder of Cardano (ADA)Charles Hoskinson, takes on Ethereum Classic (ETC), after a proponent of the project stung him on social media.

Charles Hoskinson’s latest salvo against Ethereum Classic

Charles Hoskinson did not start the verbal hostilities. His last altercation with a supporter of Ethereum Classic, however, reminds us that nothing is going better between the founder of Cardano and the ETC project, which he nevertheless fervently supported in the past.

The attack started from a publication from September 5, from the Twitter account Maximalist.etcwho accuses Charles Hoskinson of having wanted implement a 20% tax on miners to milk ETC “.

The lyrics are hurtful. The founder of Cardano therefore replied by notably treating the Ethereum Classic of “ dead project “who would have neither” aim “, neither ” compelling argument for existing outside of wickedness “.

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The NO of ETC miners to a proposal from the founder of Cardano

Charles Hoskinson’s response is scathing. It aims to hurt the current defenders of the Ethereum Classic, but it also features explinations on this famous miner taxwhich would not be one in reality.

The founder of Cardano had proposed a decentralized cash protocol, while suggesting the creation of a “ sustainable development fund for Ethereum Classic. This fund did not please certain miners, who therefore considered it a tax.

Charles Hoskinson’s proposal, if adopted, changed the allocation of rewards of ETC blocks. The project will against the interests of minors who, unsurprisingly, many rejected it. They did not accept a reduction in their rewards.

The founder of Cardano and the Ethereum Classic: heavy liabilities

This is not their first run-in with the founder of Cardano and the ETC community. Charles Hoskinson had already offered to help to Ethereum Classic, after the multiple 51% attacks that targeted the network.

However, a large part of the community had also rejected the solution he had put forward at the time. For Charles Hoskinson, the leaders of Ethereum Classic treated him unfairlydespite the help he had given to the project.

Both sides are not ready to bury the hatchet. They also clash on another ground. The founder of Cardano controls the official Ethereum Classic Twitter account. This situation irritates the leader of ETC Cooperative, Bob Summerwill who laments that Charles Hoskinson does not transfer to the community, the first verified Ethereum Classic Twitter account with his 600,000 followers, or that he ” don’t even consider selling it “.

Charles Hoskinson therefore buries the ETC in his comments on Twitter, while Ethereum Classic may or may not pick up as The Merge approaches.

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