Ethereum (ETH) is more bullish than it has been in three years

BTC-ECHO market expert Stefan Lübeck and presenter Peter Büscher analyze this extremely exciting situation for you in this episode. They take a look at the SEC’s two-part approval process. This must give the green light to trading venues such as NASDAQ and CBOE with the 19b-4 applications as well as the issuers of Ethereum spot ETFs with the S-1 filings. In the case of the 19b-4 applications, two recognized Bloomberg analysts now see a significantly increased probability of approval since yesterday. This could be related to election campaign maneuvers in the USA, triggered by statements by former President Donald Trump.

Fantom (FTM) is stepping on the gas

The high-speed Layer 1 blockchain Fantom is literally stepping on the gas and is upgrading important parameters such as transactions per second and finality with the Sonic Update. This is currently being rewarded with significant price increases.

At the end, as always, you will receive all the important dates of this week as well as the currently relevant price targets for Bitcoin on the top and bottom.

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