EU agreement – European Union for gas price corridor and mutual aid – News

  • The European Union is planning a temporary dynamic price corridor.
  • In detail, however, the politically sensitive decisions were postponed.

Three goals had to be achieved, said EU Council President Charles Michel at dawn. “Reduce prices, secure gas supplies, save electricity and gas,” he said.

Mutual support in the event of a crisis

So the EU countries decided to buy liquid gas together in the future. And they all undertake, in the worst case, to support each other in the event of a supply crisis.

The EU states are thus adopting the recommendations for action presented by the EU Commission with a view to the EU summit.

The outcome of the EU summit on the controversial question of whether Europe must set a maximum price for gas, a gas price cap, is modest. The energy ministers, who are more confident in the matter, will later clarify this among themselves.


The EU countries have reached an agreement.

KEYSTONE/DPA/Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert

This approach corresponds to the wishes of the skeptics. Germany is one of them. That is why German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is satisfied. “We got together and that’s a good sign of solidarity,” said Scholz.

One could also have said: it is a good sign that no open dispute has broken out in the EU.

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