(Reuters) – The European Commission on Wednesday requested information from YouTube, Snapchat and TikTok on the parameters used by their content recommendation algorithms regarding their role in the dissemination of certain systemic risks, among others linked to the protection of minors and the mental health of users.
These requests, made by the Commission under the digital services legislation, also concern “measures taken by platforms to mitigate the potential influence of their recommendation systems on the dissemination of illicit content, such as the promotion of drugs illicit and hate speech” declared the Commission in a press release.
The EU authority said it had asked TikTok for additional information about measures the company has taken to prevent malicious actors from manipulating the app, or to reduce risks affecting media pluralism, civic discourse and the process. electoral, which can be amplified by certain recommendation systems.
YouTube, Snapchat and TikTok must provide the requested information by November 15, said the Commission, which will decide on the next steps to take, preventing fines in the event of incorrect, incomplete or misleading information.

The European Union had already opened digital services law non-compliance proceedings, requiring big tech companies to do more to tackle illegal and harmful content on their platforms.
(Reporting Makini Brice and Benoit Van Overstraeten; French version Etienne Breban; edited by Augustin Turpin)
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